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Approval for $2.6bn Mamre Road Precinct in NSW

The plans for a major industrial precinct on the threshold of the new Western Sydney Airport have been approved by the NSW Government, with possibilities for a significant boost to jobs and investment in the region.

The Mamre Road Precinct was one of 24 projects included in Tranche 2 of the NSW Government’s Planning System Acceleration Program that is fast-tracking planning assessments to retain jobs and the economic growth during the COVID-19 crisis. To date, the program has created opportunities for over 16,400 direct jobs and almost $11 billion worth of economic investment across NSW.

Western Sydney Aerotropolis

The approval of the $2.6 billion Mamre Road Precinct, is one of 12 key precincts in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, which would unlock 850 hectares of new industrial land and see the creation of new public spaces and conservation areas.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the Mamre Road Precinct is a significant step forward in securing Western Sydney’s future as a global hub for logistics and advanced manufacturing; creating a new city around the airport that would provide opportunities for international and domestic businesses to invest and opportunities for more than 5,200 jobs during the construction phase alone. There is an expectation of 17,000 ongoing jobs when fully developed.

That Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes said the Mamre Road Precinct would include 50 hectares of open space, including new cycling and walking paths that open up previously inaccessible land to the public. A further 70 hectares of conservation land, including the Cumberland Plain Woodland, would be protected within the Precinct.  The rezoning of the precinct would preserve land for environmental conservation and open space as well as protect a site for a potential Western Sydney freight intermodal terminal (IMT).

Western Sydney Aerotropolis

The Department would continue to work with landowners, Penrith City Council and Government agencies to enable development in the precinct and the delivery of key infrastructure. The rezoning of the Mamre Road Precinct is explained in a Finalisation Report, revised Western Sydney Employment Area SEPP (including maps), response to submissions and final Structure Plan.

Mamre Road Precinct Finalisation Report

The finalisation report details changes to the State Environmental Planning Policy ( Western Sydney Employment Area 2009 (WSEA SEPP) that would help to facilitate industrial development in the Mamre Road Precinct. The finalisation report also outlines post exhibition changes to the package and provides a response to submissions.

The changes to the WSEA SEPP and introduction of the Mamre Road Precinct structure plan will ensure that, the precinct will be a warehousing industrial hub providing about 17,000 new jobs in Western Sydney.  The surrounding rural residential areas will be protected from industrial activities with controls on development; builds and natural heritage protected with the preservation of about 95 hectares of environmentally sensitive land, including Cumberland Plain Woodland.  With more than 50 hectares of open space, recreation areas, cycle and walking paths provided in the precinct, and alongside South Creek.  The critical transport corridors preserved with potential opportunities for an intermodal terminal.

Mirvac’s proposed 56-hectare Aspect Industrial Estate

In addition, Mirvac’s proposed 56-hectare Aspect Industrial Estate would be included in the development of the Mamre Road Precinct. The estate would include high-quality industrial facilities that would focus on flexibility, functionality and sustainability and expected to create up to 610 jobs during its construction and about 1,900 jobs once operational. 

In the second half of 2020, Mirvac is set to lodge a State Significant Development Application that is in line with the State Government’s criteria for fast-tracked assessments. Mirvac’s CEO and Managing Director Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz stated that; Aspect Industrial Estate met the key criteria set out by the NSW Government for fast-tracked rezoning, including a ‘shovel ready’ site that would accelerate critical construction and operational jobs as well as, investment to the local area. The estate is set to deliver key infrastructure to the wider Mamre Road Precinct, sitting at the heart of a new employment hub for Western Sydney with excellent transport links and in close proximity to the new Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport at Badgery’s Creek.

Mamre Road Precinct Completion in 2021

The first industrial estates for the Mamre Road Precinct are expected to be occupied from mid-2021.  Mamre Road is a key transport corridor passing through the Western Sydney Priority Growth Area and providing connections to the Western Sydney Employment Area.

Western Sydney is Australia’s third largest economy and the population is expected to grow from two million to three million people over the next 20 years. The NSW Government is planning for this growth by reserving residential and employment land for future developments